Charles So
English 48B
March 24, 2011
Journal for LazarusAuthor Quote:
"Give me your tired, your poor, Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free... Send these, the homeless, tempest-tots to me," (520)Internet Quote:
"Bartholdi's gigantic effigy was originally intended as a monument to the principles of international republicanism, but 'The New Colossus' reinvented the statue's purpose, turning Liberty into a welcoming mother, a symbol of hope to the outcasts and downtrodden of the world" (Paul Auster Wikipedia)
There is a deep contrast between the ancient statue of the sun god, Helios, that watched over the ancient harbors of the greek islands with our own "lady liberty." Lazarus in an elegant tone expresses the extreme and enormous stature and beauty of the gift presented by France. The poem represents the statue as a symbol of hope and freedom for all the millions of immigrant coming to the U.S. through Ellis Island. The quote I chose from the poem, is sort of a national slogan for our immigration policy and openness towards humanity, the quote expresses America as a new beginning for the mistreated and exiled.

As i read more about Emma Lazarus i was very interested in her deep interest in Zionism, i was very much surprised that a Jewish- American born citizen, was one of the forerunners in leading the advocacy of Zionism which led to the creation of Israel. I felt that her work was very much influenced by her Jewish background and that her poem's reflected the pride in her culture and ancestry that she had because of her upper class upbringing as a well accepted and respected Jewish family. By reading more about Emma Lazarus's family, i felt that the Jewish community in the early development of New York culture was very important and influential.