Tuesday, November 16, 2010

"Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God"

Charles So
English 48A
Journal for Edwards

Author Quote:
"And let every one that is yet of Christ, and hangin over the pit of hell, whether they be old men and women, or middle aged, or young people, or little children, now hearken to the loud calls of God's word and providence"(436)

Internet Quote:
"He was always the Puritan academic, the Brahmin, reading his sermons quietly from a dignified, motionless stance in the pulpit"(The Artistry of Jonathan Edwards by Edwin H. Cady search google scholar Jonathan Edwards)

Jonathan Edwards uses frightful imagery of the religious concept of hell as the ongoing plot of his speech. He brings up damnation of people who are living in sin and preaches salvation for all. Edwards uses many texts from the bible to use as context and support for his opinions and to show that God is the "hand" that can protect and redeem people from the hell he talks about. It is a speech in general to preach that God is the savior for peoples souls.

Personal Opinion:
If Jonathan Edwards meant to scare people into religion he probably did a great job in converting thousands, the way Edwards preaches, it seems he is demanding people to understand what is going to happen to them if they do not repent. Edwards takes it upon himself to show people the implications of living life without God, he tells the reader of the suffering and pain they will endure if they do not meet God and take his hand. Overall the scare tactic of Edwards is very grim, but it does a great job in geniunely telling sinners they will burn in hell for what they have done. The message i got out of Edwards is that, the only way out of hell is to have God within you and believe and do right.

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